Nine Secrets To Hiring A Great Business Ghostwriter

Here’s Nine Secrets To Help You Hire A Great Business Ghostwriter

As you know, as I know being in business can be let’s just say - complicated. You have to really be a master of so many things it can be impossible to really define what you are at times.

So when hiring a business ghostwriter who really understands your needs and situations they’d better have business experience otherwise it just won’t sound right.

So I want to say right upfront - Not only am I a business ghostwriter I also have 38 years of business experience and have written many of my own best-selling business books.

So back to the secrets of hiring a great business ghostwriter. Here are a few things you really should take into account.

Secret 1: Are you feeling it when you speak or meet them

You know that feeling. I don’t know exactly what it is but it is the feeling most of us ignore. It feels right or wrong. The smarter of us usually get it right. are you feeling it with this ghostwriter?

Secret 2: Do they really get what you need and want from the project?

Some get it, some don’t get it. Be totally honest with your project and your ghostwriter. If they just don’t get it after many calls and meetings - they never will. Choose the ghostwriter who gets it right away. Big tip - You’ll just know.

Secret 3: Do they want it or are they just doing it - robotically for a wage?

You know right? Some couldn’t care less and others just want, want, want to do it. You know which to choose. Those doing it for a wage only will rarely deliver a great business book.

Secret 4: Do they have the ghostwriting abilities needed to get it done?

I have seen incredible ghostwriters write incredible books. I have also seen incredible writers write terrible books. The problem actually is they are probably brilliant ghostwriters but are a mismatch for the project. Make sure you do everything you can to make sure they have the ghostwriting abilities you need for this project.

Secret 5: Will they take ownership of your book as if their life depended on it?

When I was a copywriter my clients always used to say to me, “You take this very personally.” It’s true I did. Their success was my success. Try and find a ghostwriter who takes it extremely personally for the best result.

Secret 6: Are they time-sensitive will they hit YOUR deadline?

I hate people being late for anything. Check their timekeeping, contract them to it and hold them to it. If you need your book delivered on May 1st contract them to that date.

Secret 7: Do they communicate and are easy to get hold of?

I once had over 100 messages in a single day with a client. He was calling me - I was calling him and it went back and forth. We began at 10 am and the final message was around 11:45 pm the same day. I love communicating - will your ghostwriter communicate as openly? A tip here is a lot of writers are shy. If you need to communicate make sure it is something you check. It is critical for a book.

Secret 8:  Do they ‘understand’ business?

I have been in business since I last got fired in 1985 for turning up to work with bright red hair. Since then I have been in business for myself. I think it’s fair to say I get it. It really will help your business book if you find a ghostwriter who has some experience in business.

Secret 9: What does the final success of the project look like?

I am sure you have an idea of what the success or outcome of this project has to be. Do they? The ghostwriter has to be able to see the vision or the success of the project. Can they?

Ghostwriter For Hire Here | Videos on Writing Here | One-On-One Book Mentor Here

Alan Forrest Smith is a business ghostwriter who has been in business for 38 years, has written many best-selling business books and has specialist knowledge of putting together a premium story and message into a business book.

Contact me here and let’s get your business book written, printed and sold.

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