First Draft Done - What’s Next?

First Draft Books

First Draft Complete - What Comes Next?

Maybe 16 weeks in I have completed my first draft of my new novel.

It stands at around 45,000 words but after the edit, I am aiming for 50,000. That isn’t important it’s just a thing going on in my head.

I can see the book in print. I have the hardback cover in mind and we have already started to build a book marketing plan to get this book out there.

I had a few sticking points that’s for sure, but I pushed through and now the first draft is done.

Now, just because the first draft is done that doesn’t mean the book is done.

I need a few days to chew it over because …

My antagonist became my main character and my protagonist took more of a back seat role. This means the whole of the first two chapters need to be rewritten and other details have to be changed. But that’s ok, that is normal for me.

Also, many of the stories took a direction I didn’t expect. So I would say the first 3rd of the book needs a more detailed edit to come back in harmony with the rest of the book.

The latter 2/3rds are the strongest parts yet they will still need a heavy edit.

The Edit Is The Polish

After the first draft, the edit is the most important part of any writing. One of my early books sat at around 90,000 words. I did a very heavy edit on the book. The book leveled off at 35,000 words. See how many words I deleted?

And as I have already said if characters change so don’t be frightened of allowing your book to change with them. This is the heart and soul of good writing.

Beyond Your First Draft - Edit - Edit - Edit

So don’t hold back on your edit.

You can edit the book yourself - which for me isn’t easy.

You can also use a tool like Grammarly - which I love but use sparingly.

Or you can of course hire an editor. We have editors we work with and can help you there. Or you can find one online.

Ghostwriter | Videos | Mentor

Alan Forrest Smith

Ps leave a comment I’d love to know what you think


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